Friday, February 26, 2016

Marketing vs. Sales: What is the difference?

female student standing in front of the display, Rear View - West Rock Getty Images / Taxi /

West Rock / Taxi / Getty Images

Updated on January 31, 2015.

You will often find that many people marketing with advertising be confused or vice versa. While both components are important, they are very different. to know the difference and doing your market research can put on the way to substantial growth your business.

Start by the formal definitions of each check and then I'm going to explain how marketing and advertising differ from one another:

Advertising: The paid, public service announcement, is not personal a persuasive message by an identified sponsor; Company Presentation or potential non-personally advertise their products to their customers and.

Marketing: The systematic planning, implementation and control of a mix of activities to bring buyers and sellers designed to exchange or transfer of products for mutual benefit.

After both definitions to read, it is easy to understand that the difference can be confusing to the point that people think of them as the same, it does so to break down a bit.

Advertising is a part of the marketing process. It is the part that includes offered the word about your business, product or service out. It is about the process of developing strategies such as ad placement, frequency, etc. Advertising includes the media such as newspapers, direct mail, billboards, TV, radio and Internet course place an ad. Advertising is the largest expense of most marketing plans, public relations following do not fall far in a close second and market research behind it.

The best way to distinguish between advertising and marketing is to think of marketing as a pie, this pie you have slices of advertising, market research, media planning, public relations, product pricing, distribution, customer customer, sales strategy and corporate citizenship. Advertising is like a piece of the pie in the strategy.

All these elements must not only work independently, but they also need to work together to the great goal. Marketing is a process that takes time and can involve hours of research to be effective for a marketing plan. Think. On marketing than anything a company does to facilitate exchanges between businesses and consumers

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